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Make Your Cheeks Fuller with JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC


cheeksHave you ever done a side-by-side comparison of a snapshot of yourself from ten years ago with a photo of yourself today? Of course you have! As the years fly by, it’s only natural to reflect on the past. While there are probably a few things you’d rather leave in the previous decade (that haircut and those jeans!), it’s impossible not to notice how smooth, radiant, and healthy your skin once was.

While most women are quick to blame fine lines, wrinkles and gray hair for an older appearance, volume loss in the cheek area could be the biggest reason why you look years older than you feel. Luckily, there’s a solution that can restore that youthful fullness to your face and give you gorgeous, natural-looking results. Introducing, JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC.

What is VOLUMA® XC?

The JUVÉDERM name is likely familiar if you’ve ever considered dermal fillers as a solution to smooth lines and wrinkles or plump your lips. VOLUMA® XC is another member of the JUVÉDERM family and is specially designed to restore mid-face volume loss, enhancing the cheeks and chin for a more youthful appearance.

How does VOLUMA® XC work?

As we age, our bodies naturally lose collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are responsible for giving the skin structure and a full, youthful appearance. Because VOLUMA® XC injections are made from hyaluronic acid, elastin, and collagen, they replace lost volume in a way that is perfectly natural.

What can I expect from the VOLUMA® XC procedure?

VOLUMA® XC is less painful than other fillers because it’s injected deep into the facial tissue where there are fewer nerves. The injections also contain lidocaine to further improve patient comfort. Like other dermal fillers, a VOLUMA® XC treatment only lasts a few minutes. When it’s over, the hyaluronic acid will feel soft and natural beneath your skin and undetectable after it settles. There is no downtime following a VOLUMA® XC treatment, though you may experience slight discomfort, temporary swelling, and mild bruising at the injection sites. This can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication.

How long do the results last?

After receiving VOLUMA® XC injections, you’ll immediately notice a difference in the fullness of your cheeks and a smoother, more natural facial contour. In most cases, the results of a single treatment will last 12 to 18 months. However, you may wish to schedule follow-up treatments to achieve your desired look.

Is VOLUMA® XC right for me?

Facial volume is key to a youthful appearance. VOLUMA® XC is appropriate for anyone looking for way to instantly lift and sculpt the face and reverse the signs of aging without surgery. If you’ve experienced a loss in volume due to dramatic weight loss, aging or medical issues, VOLUMA® XC might be the perfect solution.

We’re proud to offer VOLUMA® XC!

The best way to know if you’re a good candidate for VOLUMA® XC is to meet with Dr. Chang. At Beatitude Aesthetic Medicine in San Diego, we specialize in cosmetic procedures that enhance an individual’s natural beauty. Of course, they also have to be safe and effective, with little to no down time. VOLUMA® XC fits the bill exactly.

Give us a call to schedule your consultation today!

Patient Stories Dr. Chang has an eye for symmetry and aesthetics. I went in for a consultation to have fillers under my eyes. Instead I was educated on my facial anatomy. I agreed to some fillers in my forehead and cheeks instead and could not be more pleased with the outcome.
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