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Archive for the ‘ZO Skincare’ Category

Review of the Top 3 Beauty Products on Amazon

So many people buy their beauty products from Amazon. One of the most popular ways to judge a product’s effectiveness and quality is to look at the customer reviews. Sometimes, they are a great indicator of how well a product works, but sometimes that’s not the case. In today’s beauty blog, I’ll be looking at …. read more

Tips for Getting Glowing Skin from Dr. Aeria Chang

In a recent story featured on Allure magazine’s website, several skin experts weighed in on the Best 21 Skin Care Tips. For my beauty blog this month, I thought it would be helpful to expand on some of their tips to give my readers more detailed information (as well as some product recommendations!). During April, …. read more

Keeping Skin Healthy During Summer

Summer’s on its way. Is your skin ready? During the summer women tend to scale back on their makeup and enjoy their natural beauty, but for those of us with problem skin, the thought of going au naturel can be stressful. Summer also means more time in the sun which brings its own unique concerns …. read more

Six Reasons You NEED to wear Sunscreen

Summer’s coming and that means sunny days out. Don’t forget the sunscreen! While it’s easy to remember sun protection when you head to the beach, sunscreen should be a daily habit, not just on those sunny summer days. Here are six reasons why you need to wear sunscreen today and every day. #1: You Don’t …. read more

How to Extend the Results of Your Injectable Treatments

You love the look of your injectable treatments you receive here at Beatitude Aesthetic Medicine & Acne Center and want the results to last as long as possible. What can you do? Although the results injectable treatments (like Botox and Juvederm) are temporary, there are a few things you can do to extend them and to get the …. read more

How Do I Treat Dull, Tired, or Wrinkled Skin?

Is your skin in a funk? Rejuvenate tired and dull skin and let your youthful radiance shine through. These age-fighting treatments will help you pull your skin out of the drab and dreary of winter and into the beauty of spring. Clear and Brilliant Refresh and revitalize your skin this spring with the Clear and Brilliant …. read more

Patient Stories Dr. Chang has an eye for symmetry and aesthetics. I went in for a consultation to have fillers under my eyes. Instead I was educated on my facial anatomy. I agreed to some fillers in my forehead and cheeks instead and could not be more pleased with the outcome.
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