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Archive for the ‘Sun Spots’ Category

Tips for Getting Glowing Skin from Dr. Aeria Chang

In a recent story featured on Allure magazine’s website, several skin experts weighed in on the Best 21 Skin Care Tips. For my beauty blog this month, I thought it would be helpful to expand on some of their tips to give my readers more detailed information (as well as some product recommendations!). During April, …. read more

What are the Benefits of Fraxel Laser Treatment?

Fraxel is a laser skin treatment that works beautifully to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. If you have any of these concerns and are looking for a non-surgical way to improve your skin, read on to learn more about Fraxel laser treatment. Is Fraxel Safe? Fraxel …. read more

Patient Stories Dr. Chang has an eye for symmetry and aesthetics. I went in for a consultation to have fillers under my eyes. Instead I was educated on my facial anatomy. I agreed to some fillers in my forehead and cheeks instead and could not be more pleased with the outcome.
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