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Archive for the ‘Hand Rejuvenation’ Category

What is Restylane Lyft Made of and What is it Used For?

One of our patients’ favorite procedures is getting fillers using Restylane Lyft. It can be used for the face and hands, and is FDA approved. The Filler Formerly Known as Perlane Yes, the heading of this section paid a little homage to the artist formerly known as Prince. For those of you old enough to …. read more

Top Cosmetic Devices for Glowing Skin

If you’re looking for skin treatments that improve the skin from the surface down to the deepest layers, this is your go-to list of top cosmetic devices for glowing, radiant skin. Dr. Aeria Chang is a medical doctor who specializes in aesthetic medicine to help you look and feel your very best. She started Beatitude …. read more

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Hand Rejuvenation

Every morning when you wake up you look in the mirror and see the signs of aging on your face. As you get older fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots appear on what was once smooth and clear skin. We spend a lot of time looking at our faces and finding ways to reduce the …. read more

Patient Stories Dr. Chang has an eye for symmetry and aesthetics. I went in for a consultation to have fillers under my eyes. Instead I was educated on my facial anatomy. I agreed to some fillers in my forehead and cheeks instead and could not be more pleased with the outcome.
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